Results - Check out some of my acheivements

Competiton position Date Location type Category
IFKO Junior world cup 7

France, St Pierre La Mer, IFKO junior world freestyle championships

International junior U14
Pro Kite Cup, Italy July 2018 8

Pro Kite Cup, Mens Open hosted by pro kite Alby Rondina

International open open
IKA junior cup 9

The IKA junior freestyle cup, St Pierre La Mer, France, unfortunately I sustained an injury and could not go full power.

International junior U16
GKA Tarifa, 2019 17

GKA World Championships, Tarifa, Spain

International open Mens Open
GKA Air Games Tarifa 17

The first stop of the GKA Air Games in Tarifa, it was fun to take part in the new format.

International open open
GKA World Championships 2019, Gran Canaria 21

GKA World tour stop, Gran Canaria

International open Mens Open